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FinJet Ltd
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FinJet Ltd

Waterjet cutting machine FINJET.
Shipping. Engineering. Consulting.
Waterjet cutting machine FINJET. <br>Shipping. Engineering. Consulting.

In 1988 created the first Muototera waterjet cutting in Finland. Since then, Muototera is a leading manufacturer of waterjet equipment in Finland and in Europe. FinJet engaged in the development and implementation of innovative waterjet equipment with the latest technology in various industries. The firm provides a full range of services in the world waterjet technologies: from supplying high-tech equipment and engineering to high-quality service and customer training. FinJet offers innovative solutions for different tasks of any complexity. Mission - to actively promote innovative practices in different materials technology, and promoting industrial enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries in the establishment contemporary technological facilities.

Address: Sankt-Peterburg ul. Blagodatnaja, d. 63, korp. 1, lit. G
Phone: +7(812)458-44-41
e-mail: ooo.finjet@yandex.ru

Waterjet cutting machine FINJET. <br>Shipping. Engineering. Consulting.
Waterjet cutting machine FINJET. <br>Shipping. Engineering. Consulting.
Waterjet cutting machine FINJET. <br>Shipping. Engineering. Consulting.
Waterjet cutting machine FINJET. <br>Shipping. Engineering. Consulting.

Address: Sankt-Peterburg ul. Blagodatnaja, d. 63, korp. 1, lit. G
Phone: +7(812)458-44-41
e-mail: ooo.finjet@yandex.ru

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