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Diving Atlantis
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Diving Atlantis

Diving center in Tenerife.
Diving center in Tenerife.

We arrange diving trips in Tenerife.
Our company gives any kind of services in arranging diving trips and diving courses in Tenerife. Transfer from the hotel, rental of equipment, experienced instructors. We speak different languages: English, Russina, Polish, Spanish, French, German and Bulgarian.

Address: Tenerife Ispanija, Gia de Isora, av.La Gavota, 1, A3
Phone: (+34)671408970
e-mail: lav-ek@list.ru

Diving center in Tenerife.
Diving center in Tenerife.
Diving center in Tenerife.

Address: Tenerife Ispanija, Gia de Isora, av.La Gavota, 1, A3
Phone: (+34)671408970
e-mail: lav-ek@list.ru

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