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Medunitza.ru - Internet shop of cosmetics, biologically active additives and products for the home We are trying all my make-up, carefully studying the compositions and convinced that the product would not be hurt. We sell products that help people and on
Medunitza.ru - Internet shop of cosmetics, biologically active additives and products for the home We are trying all my make-up, carefully studying the compositions and convinced that the product would not be hurt. We sell products that help people and on

- Internet shop of cosmetics, biologically active additives and products for the home We are trying all the makeup they sell, carefully studying each composition and convinced that the product would not be hurt. In the online store Medunitza.ru we sell cosmetics, dietary supplements and household products, that really help people . We do not put in our online store all the makeup from one manufacturer. We sell in the online store Medunicki only the best cosmetics. Here you will find the best in Russia in absorption and its rejuvenating and ozdoravlivayuschim qualities creams on mink oil and vegetable oils series "Mustela-Taler". We have a very wide range of creams for the face and eyelids, hands, feet, body, hair, for children and for adults, for dry and oily skin, skin with acne, dermatitis, eczema, creams for moisturizing, nourishing, firming and rejuvenating cream that eases the effects of an Allergy to the cold, healing diaper rash in the groin, under the Breasts and in the armpits, healing cracked hands, cracked feet and heels, creams for hair thickening and strengthening hair roots. In our online cosmetics store has gorgeous honey mask with cedar oil, Shilajit and Royal jelly, candles with propolis, helps with hemorrhoids, menopause, prostatitis. There is a wonderful bean with propolis. All cosmetics and dietary Supplements Ufa LLC "Propolis". On the Lungwort you'll find a unique solid shampoos LLC "Cleon", really improves the condition of hair, mousses and shampoos from soap nuts company "Aromatic". Medunicki is also a shop where you can buy high-quality nutritional supplements. We have a section for diabetics, in which you can buy inulin, fibre and Jerusalem artichoke dried artichoke company "Ryazan spaces" and Supplements, normalizing the blood sugar level. We sell more than 50 kinds of biological active additives companies Altera-holding and, NOW, as well as soluble calcium and magnesium, and granulated lecithin. Under "home" you will find a unique, gentle hands, Russian biodegradable detergents company "Miko" for washing dishes, cleaning and washing. We created our online store to recommend and sell you useful items for beauty, health and joy. We hold regular promotions with generous gifts for customers and advise in detail every one who approached us. We will be glad if our products and our online cosmetics store you will like.

Address: Moskva Jelektrodnyj proezd 14 str. 2
Phone: +7 (499) 347 91 28
e-mail: medunitza.it@inbox.ru

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