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Cozy Home - recreation Khabarovsk
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Cozy Home - recreation Khabarovsk

Recreation center in Khabarovsk "cozy house" - recreation on the river. Choir, just relax and not think about anything!
Recreation center in Khabarovsk "cozy house" - recreation on the river. Choir, just relax and not think about anything!

Are you tired from work and you need a rest? Are you tired of city life and you just need to go on vacation? Then you to us! Recreation center in Khabarovsk "cozy house" is located 30 kilometers from Khabarovsk. We have clean air, beautiful nature, and the purest mountain stream. And what more do you need for happiness? Do not waste time, call, book and go on vacation. Because now is the best time for outdoor recreation, no mosquitoes, no insects and no heat. We are waiting for you!

Address: Hor Tretij Splavnoj Uchastok
Phone: +7(924)2075768
e-mail: yutnijdom27@yandex.ru

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1.28 ms