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Brave Sky International Trading Ltd
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Brave Sky International Trading Ltd

Wholesale deliveries of spare parts and accessories for cell phones and smartphones. Prices CHEAPER NO! Direct prices of Chinese factories, five years in China, the company is perfectly legal, no middlemen, tried and tested supplier
Wholesale deliveries of spare parts and accessories for cell phones and smartphones. Prices CHEAPER NO! Direct prices of Chinese factories, five years in China, the company is perfectly legal, no middlemen, tried and tested supplier

Our mission - to facilitate the retail and wholesale companies and repair shops for the necessary accessories in China. Our company has 5 years experience in the market of components and spare parts for mobile phones and PDAs: displays, touch-sensitive glass (touch screens), housing, cables, wired headset, etc. We suggest you to use our knowledge and experience in this business. We - not trivial intermediaries. «Brave Sky International trading Ltd.» - A responsible supplier of quality products, partner with a capital letter. Principles of our work can be expressed by the formula: "Efficiency. Accuracy. Quality."

Spare parts for mobile phones: direct delivery.

Cooperation with us allows you to deal effectively with an extensive list of business challenges.

Save time and money - personal trip to China is simply not necessary!
Reduction of logistics costs.
Quick search for products with an optimal price-performance ratio.
Percent reduction in rejection.
Ability to submit claims for quality within one year from the date of delivery.
We have established relations with Chinese manufacturers and trading companies in China, as well as regular partners in Russia.

With our clients we are working on the following simple scheme:

You send us a range of positions that interest you.
Get direct prices from Chinese suppliers.
Your order is processed: specifies the price, quantity, required quality and the availability of the ordered range on the market.
After solving all the issues raised, the order of our employees is collected, testing products for compliance with the quality and quantity. Delivery time 5-6 days after approval of an order by the client.
Goods are delivered to the warehouse of your logistics company or our logistics partner (your choice). Delivery times vary by shipping companies and take an average of 1-2 weeks.
You get the product and use it for other purposes.
For their services and expertise, we take a commission of 5% of the total order. In return you get quality products, direct prices and exchange the goods of inadequate quality for 1 year. In our experience, the scrap rate for displays less than 3% of loops - 2%, according to the corps - less than 1% of the total.

When ordering spare parts for mobile phones - direct deliveries, the customer must take into account some of the nuances. The market does not happen 100% of fixed prices (due to the constant fluctuation in demand and prices for a particular product). Our price lists are edited weekly, 15-20, and the main items of quality that has been declared in the price list. Therefore, in the process of placing an order, we pay special attention to the harmonization of prices and quality with the customer. The average occupancy is 85-90% of the total order. This is due to deficiency of one or another position at a given time or lack of appropriate quality

Address: Guangzhou Room 1501, 37 Huan shi west road, Fuli International Shoes Centre
Phone: +8613719356217
e-mail: pr.volkov@gmail.com

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