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JSC SEZ "PenzEnergoMash"
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JSC SEZ "PenzEnergoMash"

JSC SEZ "PenzEnergoMash" specializes in the manufacture of both standard and nonstandard capacitance and tank equipment, and various steel structures according to plan for the needs of gas-and oil refineries to chemical, metallurgichskih and minin
JSC SEZ "PenzEnergoMash" specializes in the manufacture of both standard and nonstandard capacitance and tank equipment, and various steel structures according to plan for the needs of gas-and oil refineries to chemical, metallurgichskih and minin

JSC SEZ "PenzEnergoMash" specializes in the manufacture of both standard and nonstandard capacitance and tank equipment, and various steel structures according to plan for the needs of gas-and oil refineries to chemical, metallurgichskih and mining works for the construction of gas and oil pipelines, nuclear and thermal power stations, as well as the construction and reconstruction of the tank farms, for a variety of industries, which use in their work Tank and tank equipment.
Design Bureau of the plant are professionals who know their stuff. The Division is equipped with modern computers and latest software that allows you to quickly and at a high level of development of technical documentation, and quickly solve any engineering problems in the implementation of the order.

Engineering staff of the plant is a team of professionals with experience in this field for more than 25 years: Design, technology and production organizers. TCI provides proper control over the quality of metal produced and the process of their manufacture.

Having certified factory laboratory allows welds nerazruschayuschimi methods, and also to make an input control to ensure that the metal and the only high-quality steels.

The introduction of advanced technologies in conjunction with effective work with the staff makes the plant a thriving company with qualified personnel and a large number of customers who appreciate quality, fast and professional work.

Address: Penza Metallistov, 7
Phone: 8 (8412) 78-79-72
e-mail: penzenergomash@gmail.com

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