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InterCom ltd.
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InterCom ltd.

The main direction of the company "Intercom" - design, manufacture and sale of energy saving LED fixtures for indoor and outdoor lighting, as well, floodlights to illuminate the billboards.
The main direction of the company "Intercom" - design, manufacture and sale of energy saving LED fixtures for indoor and outdoor lighting, as well, floodlights to illuminate the billboards.

The main direction of the company "Intercom" - design, manufacture and sale of energy saving LED fixtures for indoor and outdoor lighting, as well, floodlights to illuminate the billboards.
LED products can significantly save power. For the production of LED products we use high-quality LEDs are the latest generation of U.S. company Cree. LED - a semiconductor device that converts direct current to light radiation. LED consists of a semiconductor crystal on a substrate body with the contact pin and an optical system. In LEDs, unlike incandescent or fluorescent lamps, electric current is converted directly into heat. LED - low voltage electrical appliance and therefore safe. LED lamps are used in virtually all areas of lighting. They are irreplaceable in designer lighting because of their pure colors, as well as in svetodinomicheskih systems. Their use is beneficial where frequent costly maintenance, which must be tough to save power, where high requirements on electrical safety. LED lamps - an optimal choice for lighting design

Address: Orel 302028, g.Orel, ul. 7 Nojabrja 3/5 korp. 4
Phone: +7(4862)730-430
Fax: +7(4862)731501
e-mail: dvo.proze@gmail.com

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