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We sell metal furniture, the warehouse equipment, racks, different carriages , safes "valberg", workbenches instrumental carriages and cases under the prices comprehensible to you.
We sell metal furniture, the warehouse equipment, racks, different carriages , safes "valberg", workbenches instrumental carriages and cases under the prices comprehensible to you.

All ruler of our production is certificated under the European standards.
As we make installation and commissioning of the equipment by our skilled experts.

Address: Naberezhnye Chelny Trubnyj proezd 38/17, ABK "-KamAZ-Obwepit"-, levoe krylo , of. 62"-
Phone: (8552) 36-78-60
Fax: (8552) 55-05-75
e-mail: profsklad@mail.ru

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