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Energy Conservation Technologies (TES)
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Energy Conservation Technologies (TES)

Currently, the core activity is production energy-saving equipment for the transportation of fine-grained and powdered materials in the cement, construction, gornopererabatyvayuschey, chemical, metallurgy, refractory and other industries.
Currently, the core activity is production energy-saving equipment for the transportation of fine-grained and powdered materials in the cement, construction, gornopererabatyvayuschey, chemical, metallurgy, refractory and other industries.

Company Ltd. «Energy Conservation Technologies (TES)» — was established in 2008 to develop and implement energy-saving technologies in Russian industry.
The cost of modernizing the pump chamber is calculated as 50% of annual savings after the introduction of electricity at the plant customer.

Currently, the core activity is production energy-saving equipment for the transportation of fine-grained and powdered materials in the cement, construction, gornopererabatyvayuschey, chemical, metallurgy, refractory and other industries.

Address: Belgorod 308032, Rossija, g. Belgorod, ul. Worsa, d. 62
Phone: +7 920-202-45-90, +7 920-200-60-27
Fax: (4722) 347-490
e-mail: info@tes31.ru

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