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Laboratory of polymers’ physics of SPbSTI(TU)
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Laboratory of polymers’ physics of SPbSTI(TU)

Development and manufacture epoxy hermetics and glues for light and photo diodes, electronic devices and fiber glass cables. Coloured and luminescent plastics, light filters
Development and manufacture epoxy hermetics and glues for light and photo diodes, electronic devices and fiber glass cables. Coloured and luminescent plastics, light filters

Development and production of optical epoxy  compounds for casting LEDs, photodiodes, indicators and others optoelectronic devices. Base compositions and updating, characteristics, maintenance instruction. More than thirty marks optical glues and compounds, coverings, impregnating compositions: for casting of the electronic circuits and electro technical products, potting of the butt-ends of optical-fiber cables, pasting of the semi-precious stones insertions in casings, gluing of a glass, plastic, metals. Polymeric light filters

Address: Sankt-Peterburg ul. 7-ja Krasnoarmejskaja, dom 8, ofis 239
Phone: (812) 494-93-92
Fax: (812) 317 89 62
e-mail: info@lfpti.ru

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