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Wholesale deliveries and retail sales of air conditioning systems:
- Air conditioners,
- Ventilation equipment,
- Industrial heating equipment,
- Electroheaters,
- Diesel and gas heaters,
- Thermal curtains, electric and water
Wholesale deliveries and retail sales of air conditioning systems:<br>- Air conditioners,<br>- Ventilation equipment,<br>- Industrial heating equipment,<br>- Electroheaters,<br>- Diesel and gas heaters,<br>- Thermal curtains, electric and water

Supply ventilation equipment wholesale.
Sale of ventilation equipment retail.
Ventilation of cottages, country houses ventilation, ventilation of urban apartments.
Sale of domestic fans, ventilation for the bathroom ventilation for bathrooms and toilets.
Ventilation offices, ventilation shops, cafes and restaurants, ventilation, ventilation and medical institutions.
Supply of residential and commercial air conditioning wholesaler.
Sales of household and industrial air conditioners retail.
Air apartments, office air conditioning, air-conditioning shops and cafes.
Air conditioning server, conditioning of hotels, air shopping centers.
Installation and commissioning of ventilation systems. Certification of ventilation systems.
Installation and commissioning of air conditioners.
Maintenance and repair of air conditioners for domestic and industrial.
Maintenance and repair of ventilation systems.
Sales and installation of electric heat and water curtains.
Maintenance and repair of thermal screens.
Sales of heat guns, electric, diesel, gas and hot water, wholesale and retail.
Sale of electrical convectors wall wholesale and retail.
Sales heaters wholesale and retail.
Sale underfloor cable, film, teplomatov and thermostats.
Heating cottages, holiday home, holiday home heating, cottage.
Sale of air cleaners wholesale and retail.
Sale of an air ionizer, air purifiers for apartments and children's institutions.
Cleaning the air in homes, cleaning the air in medical establishments.
Cleaning the air in childcare, cleaning the air in gyms.
Clearing the air from allergenic substances, cleaning the air of pollen.
Sales humidifiers wholesale and retail.
Humidification of air in homes, cottages humidification, humidification of air in the shops.
Dehumidification shops, drying in the apartments.
Repair and service air conditioning equipment.

Address: Tjumen_DROP ul. 50 let Oktjabrja, 62A, korp.2/1
Phone: (3452)41-71-58
Fax: (3452)41-53-13
e-mail: dkks@list.ru

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