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Taxi Simferopol Sevastopol.
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Taxi Simferopol Sevastopol.

Reliable taxi Simferopol Sevastopol at good prices.
Reliable taxi Simferopol Sevastopol at good prices.

Reliable taxi Simferopol Sevastopol at good prices. We provide a full range of passenger transportation by taxi from the airport Simferopol to Sevastopol and the Crimea around.

Address: Simferopol_DROP pl. Ajeroporta 6
Phone: +7 (978) 7545055
e-mail: taksi-simferopol-sevastopol@mail.ru

Reliable taxi Simferopol Sevastopol at good prices.

Address: Simferopol_DROP pl. Ajeroporta 6
Phone: +7 (978) 7545055
e-mail: taksi-simferopol-sevastopol@mail.ru

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